Dr. Yasen Dimitrov was born in 1972 in Sofia, Bulgaria. He has a PhD in Psychology and works as an Organizational Consultant with a wealth of experience in the areas of emotional intelligence and organizational behavior. He has specialized in Organizational Consulting in Sydney, Australia. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at VUZF (High School of Business, Finance, and Entrepreneurship) teaching various topics from the field of Business Psychology. He also leads the Behavioral Unit, created as part of the VUZF laboratory, the first behavioral research unit in Eastern Europe. Since 2020 he was appointed president of the Balkan and Eastern European Cluster of the European Association of Applied Psychology. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the European Association of Applied Psychology.He is also trained at the Clinical School of Psychoanalysis and works privately with individuals, couples and families. Dr.Yasen Dimitrov is the President of the European Association of Applied Psychology.
Yasen Dimitrov

- B.A. Major: Psychology and Pedagogy, Sofia University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”
- M.A. Major: Clinical Psychology – clinical/social work, New Bulgarian University (NBU – Sofia, Bulgaria)
- Certificate in Organizational Counselling, UTS (Sydney, Australia) Post. grad.
- Ph.D. in Human Resources Major: Business Psychology and Human Resources Advisor: Professor Paunov, M., University of National and World Economy (UNWE, Sofia, Bulgaria)
- Emotional Intelligence
- Organisational Psychology
- Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
- “The good soldier syndrome and his intelligent emotions.” Sofia 2019, VUZF Publishing House , ISBN 978-954-8590-58-7
- Book chapter “Emotions and Rationality: The long Journey of Emotional Intelligence towards Itself” a book chapter from UNDERSTANDING EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, under the edition of John T. Lanthem, NOVA science publishers, 2021, ISBN: 978-1-53619-410-4,ррр. 75-103
- “Performance management – the relationship with motivation, job satisfaction and organizational commitment.”, VUZF REVIEW, Volume 8, Number 1, 2023, p. 4 -13, ISSN 2534-9228
- “Messages Committing You to Reciprocate: A Field Experiment with “Contactless” Debtors” 2022, International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics Volume 11 – Issue 1, p. 1- 10, DOI: 10.4018/IJABE.308783, Vlaev, I.& Dimitrov Y.
- Behavioral aspects of organizational effectiveness: Emotional intelligence, organizational citizenship behavior, and their relationship roles 2020 VUZF review 12/2020, ISSN 2534-9228, pp.15-31
- Developing Capabilities From the Scope of Emotional Intelligence as Part of the Soft Skills Needed in the Long-Term Care Sector: Presentation of Pilot Study and Training Methodology 2020 Journal of Primary Care &Community Health Volume 11: p.1-6, 2020, ISSN 2150-1319
- Into “the realm of emotions”:Executive Coaching in Emotional Intelligence – Developing of Leadership Behaviours 2016 “ICN (International Coaching Magazine) 14- th edition, volume 2, pp. 23- 25, ISSN :2050-6724
- Nudging workers to make healthier food choices 2016 “European Work and Organizational Psychology in Practice, ISSUE 8/2016, pp. 5- 12, ISSN :1736-6399,Vlaev, I & Dimitrov Y.
- Corporate Training in Emotional Intelligence: Effective Practice or Modern ‘Fugazy’? 2015 “European Work and Organizational Psychology in Practice, ISSUE 7/2015, pp. 70- 80, ISSN :1736-6399 Vlaev, I.& Dimitrov, Y.