Dora Sofroni


Dora Sofroni was born and raised in Athens. She graduated from the American College of Greece with a degree in Psychology and holds a Master’s degree in Psychology and Counseling from the University of Sheffield, where she specialized in the concept of Emotional Intelligence. Her psychotherapy training was in Adlerian-Psychodynamic Psychotherapy from the Hellenic Society of Adlerian Psychology. She has participated in experimental/scientific programs in Greece and in institutions abroad. In addition, she has been trained in Neuropsychiatric tools as well as in projective-psychoanalytic tools. She has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Society of Adlerian Psychology and is currently a member of the Scientific Committee, the Ethics Committee and a trainer in the four-year Training Program in Adlerian Counseling and Psychotherapy. She is a member in good standing of the European Association of Applied Psychology, holds the European Certificate in Psychotherapy and is a member of the British Psychological Society, the Adlerian U.K. Society of Individual Psychology, the European Counselling Association and the American Psychological Association. Finally, she works with individuals, couples and families privately.