Current research activities
Perceptions of the Greek population on the nation’s glories and failures in collaboration with the European Association of Applied Psychology under the supervision of Dr. Yasen Dimitrov.
- 2022 From the Ideal and the fictional finalism to Social Interest G.S.C. journal
- 2022 The relationship between Emotional Intelligence, self-esteem alexithymia and religiosity G.S.C journal
- 2021 The use of fairy tales as a means of enhancing a constructive life-style -Asiip journal
- 2023- Master class- The Adlerian psychotherapeutic paradigm Aegean College
- 2022- 9th Vitual Conference of the National Organization of Psychotherapy Greece- The myth of Chimaera as an Intersubjective safe environment in the psychotherapeutic Relationship.
- 2022- The Psychodynamic realm in the Adlerian perspective- York University European Campus
- 2022- Master class- The Adlerian psychotherapeutic paradigm Aegean College
- 2021 -10THEuropean Conference of Integrative Psychotherapy- Male protest during puberty and its denaturation through the lens of Ancient Greek Tragedy
- 2018 – Originof Female Sexuality (web seminar ) Greek Society of Adlerian Psychology
- 10/2017- 9/2018 – Cinema (coordinators: Isidora Sofroni, Maria Skopeliti) Basic Principles of Adlerian Psychology and Art (Experiential workshop – monthly meetings)
- 1&2/12/2018 – Greek Association of Counseling two-day conference (coordinators: Isidora Sofroni,Maria Skopeliti) Experiential workshop “Fear of breakdown”. The fear of breakdown and the therapeutic relation
- 21 &22/9/2017 – Hellenic Association of Person centered & Experiential Approach two day conference (coordinators: Isidora Sofroni, Erifyli Paspati) Experiential workshop “‘The evil person in my life and the way to forgive them’ (How empathy helps the understanding of the “dark” side (mine and that of others), to escape from the chains of the perpetrator or the victim…”
- 16 & 17/12/2017 – Greek Association of Counseling two-day conference (coordinators: Isidora Sofroni, Maria Skopeliti) Experiential workshop “Obstacles (Subjective and Objective) in the Counselor’s proper contact: the importance of a good cooperation in the counseling process”
- 9/2015- 5/2017 – Youth group (coordinators: Isidora Sofroni, Maria Skopeliti), experiential workshop of self-development, based on the Adlerian Principles
- 12 &13/12/2015 – Greek Association of Counseling two-day conference (coordinators: Isidora Sofroni, Maria Skopeliti) Experiential workshop “The therapist’s identity, knowledge and relation”
- 4/2014 – Speech on the topic: Emotional Intelligence and Bullying, AmericanCommunity Schools
- 2/2012 – Workshop with the topic: Fear and Inner Child, Sheffield University
- 4/2010 – Workshop with the topic: Anger & Social Interest, Sheffield University
- 12/2018 – National Association of Psychotherapy of Greece day conference ()
- 20/5/2018 – GSAP day conference with the topic: chronic disease, death, grief – impact onindividual and family mental health
- 25/6/2017 – GSAP seminar with the topic (coordinators: Isidora Sofroni, Maria Skopeliti):Prometheus and Adler (from subjectivity to common sense)
- 16 &17/5/2015 – GSAP seminar with the topic: from anger and sorrow to social interest
- 18/10/2014- Seminar for GSAP specialists on the topic: suicide: a challenge for mental health professionals
- 20/11/2012 -Seminar for GSAP specialists on the topic: modern ways of managing trauma: the biopsychosocial model and the Adlerian approach
- 6/5/2012– Seminar for GSAP specialists on the topic: School violence: ways of prevention and intervention
- 12/2011 – GSAPseminar on the topic: How to reduce our anger
- 19/11/2011 -Seminar for GSAP specialists on the topic: Fear as a tool for development
- 15/10/2011 – GSAP seminar on the topic: Steps to reconciling with the authentic self
- 19 &20/3/2011 – Seminar for GSAP specialists on the topic: the systemic approach, its effectiveness and its application on the field of psychotherapy
- 9/2/2011 – GSAP seminar on the topic: Active hearing: the road to communicating withchildren
- 4/12/2010- GSAP seminar on the topic: What should I do? Cry or laugh?
- 22/10/2010 – Seminar for GSAP specialists on the topic: How we can cultivate compassion forothers and ourselves
- 28/9/2010 – Seminar for GSAP specialists on the topic: New developments in Psychologyand Neurology field and how they can be integrated to the Adlerian Theory
- 21/3/2010 – Seminar for GSAP specialists on the topic: Working on our internalconflicts and the technique of using three or four points
- 20/3/2010 – Seminar for GSAP specialists on the topic: How I experience my presence in thisworld
- 22/2/2010 – GSAP day conference on the topic: Present adversities rooted in the past: dysfunctional behaviors, phobias, energy loss
- 5/2009 – 14thGlobal A.P.P.A.C. Conference of Neuropsychological Medicine Neuropsychiatric, Psychological and Social Developments in a Globalized World (Book of abstracts) Savvidou , Sofroni I. “The relation of Emotional Intelligence, self-esteem and intimacy in Interpersonal relationships
- 4/11/2009 – GSAPseminar on the topic: The role of fear in our life
- 1/2008 – Psychotherapy Approaches S heffield University
- 3/2006 – Body & Art PsychotherapyArt & Psychotherapy Center
- 1994-1999 – Annual Psychology WeekAmerican College of Greece