Katerina Alexopoulou has been trained in Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy, specializing in Antlerian Counselling and Psychotherapy, Synthetic Approach and Person-Centred Counselling. She has also been trained in Therapeutic Hypnosis, EMDR (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), EFT (Emotional Release Techniques) and family and group therapy. She has 40 years of experience in teaching and counselling, in parenting schools, in training schools, in social institutions and in the Hellenic Society of Adlerian Psychology (EAPPS), where she is an active member since its foundation in 1969 and Honorary President. She has served as the director of the postgraduate programme of the EAPAPS with the Adlerian Training Institut e (ATI) and is one of the founding members of the Hellenic Counselling Society, where she has served as President, EAC member. He holds the European Certificate of Psychotherapy ECP, is a member in good standing of the European Society of Applied Psychology, and a member of ASIIP.
Katerina Alexandopoulou
B.A., M.A., ECP

- Master of Arts in Integrative Humanistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, MIDDLESEX UINIVERSITY, LONDON
- Diploma in Counselling, HUMBERSIDE UNIVERSITY, UK
- B.A. in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to children and adolescents ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY, CHICAGO, ILL.
- Couple & Family Therapy
- Child & Play
- Childhood Memories
- Adlerian Psychotherapy
- Person-centred Counselling