Apostolos Vourdas is a graduate and doctor of the Medical School of Athens. He trained in Child Psychiatry at Cambridge, England. He has been an elected member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists since 2000. He worked as a Consultant at Maudsley Hospital and the Institute of Psychiatry in London for many years. On his return to Greece he worked for 7 years as a researcher and faculty member at the University Child Psychiatry Clinic of the Aghia Sophia Children’s Hospital. His scientific work has been published in international journals and books. He specializes in the field of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Psychiatric Forensics. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of ADHDHellas and Vice President of the Hellenic Psychiatric Forensic Society. Among his other activities, he is the author and creator of the Positive Parents Happy Kids Method for early school-aged children with behavioral problems and hyperactivity.
Apostolos Vourdas
MRCPsych, CCST, Ph.D.

- Medical School University of Athens, Ph.D.
- Medical School University of Athens, Ptychion Iatrikis ( MBBS equivalent)
- Depression
- Psychopathology
- Child psychiatry
- Psychiatric forensics
Books and Articles
Increased developmental deviance and premorbid dysfunction in early onset schizophrenia Apostolos Vourdas, Roderic Pipe, Richard Corrigall, Sophia Frangou, Schzophrenia Research, 1846 (2002)
Narcolepsy and psychopathology: is there an association? A. Vourdas, J.M. Shneerson, C.A. Gregory, I.E. Smith, M.A. King, E. Morrish, P.J. McKenna. Sleep Medicine 2002.
Sophia Frangou, Michael Hadjulis and Apostolos Vourdas The Maudsley Early Onset Schizophrenia Study: Cognitive Function Over a 4 Year Follow Up Period. schizophrenia bulletin advanced access published November 15, 2007
Nora Vyas, Michael Hadjulis, Apostolos Vourdas, Patrick Byrne, Sophia Frangou, The Maudsley early onset schizophrenia study: predictors of psychosocial outcome at 4-year follow-up Eur Child Adolescent Psychiatry (2007)
Α. Vourdas, Sen. Kolaitis. Parent education programme for children with Conduct Disorder aged 3-8 years. Newsletter NEA HEALTH Issue 76 – April-May-June 2012
A. Vourdas. Early neurobiological changes in childhood after traumatization. Meeting Abstract From1st International Congress on Neurobiology and Clinical Psychopharmacology and European Psychiatric Association Conference on Treatment Guidance Thessaloniki, Greece. 19-22 November 2009
Α. Vourdas. Drafting of the child psychiatric expert opinion. In Giannopoulou, I. (ed.) , Douzeni, A. (ed.) and Lykoura, L. (ed.), Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, (pp. 49-55). P.H. Publications. Paschalidis Ltd., 2010
Α. Vourdas, I. Giannopoulou. Juvenile delinquency: capacity for attribution, risk. In Giannopoulou, I. (ed.) , Douzeni, A. (ed.) and Lykoura, L. (ed.), Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Forensics, (pp. 231-243) P.H. Publications. Paschalidis Ltd., 2010
Α. Vourdas. Which form of communication in divorce cases best serves the best interests of the child? Journal of Psychiatric Forensics Ati Issue No. 5 (12/2012 – 03/2013)
Α. Vourdas. Sexual Abuse of a Minor and the systematic approach by the Child Psychiatrist-Specialist.
Α. Vourdas. Protecting children from sexual exploitation and abuse. In the biannual newsletter of the Psychiatric Forensic Branch of the HPS. Issue 1.(p.2).
Α. Vourdas. Delinquency/Criminality and Mental Retardation. In Douzeni, A. (ed.) and Lykoura, L. (ed.), Psychiatric Forensics. Ch 17, 160-172. Paschalidis Publications, Paschalidis, L., D., S., 160, pp.
Α. Vourdas. The role of expert witness in child abuse cases in Greek Court. Journal of Psychiatric Forensic Medicine Ati Issue No 5 (12/2012 – 03/2013)