Academic Staff

Dimitris Gkavelas,

Dimitris Gkavelas was born in 1977 in Athens. Studied at the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens! He has been practicing law (hearing and consulting) since 2004 and has successfully defended criminal and civil-corporate law cases and is a legal advisor to companies.

Dimitris has many years of experience and specialisation in the field of Criminal Law and is a member of the Hellenic Association of Criminologists, having defended the rights of his clients both in terms of defense and civil action (in crimes against property against individuals and legal entities, crimes against property, crimes against life and physical integrity, medical malpractice cases, tax and customs offenses, money laundering cases).



Teacher Skills

Interpretation & Analysis of Case Law
Argumentation - Defensive Tactics
Communication Skills
Criminal Law
Case Analysis
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