Development Platforms

During dramatically changing times, where everything that we know differentiates or evolves, it would be impossible not to change the way we are trained and learn!

The classical method of teaching and training where the professor uses just a powerpoint presentation during the lecture is boring and outdated. It is one-way communication, without substantial participation and interest of the student. Distance learning software programmes has also tried to create a sense of learning community / group but still have an interest in the content of the course and programme and not the learner/student itself.

The College for Humanistic Sciences – ICPS, after 18 months of research regarding the way of learning in different generations, pioneers and changes the way of Education!

√ For the first time in Greece, we bring and apply to our programmes Personal Development & Growth Platforms. The Platforms we use at ICPS brings personalised training, setting each student's goals, not only for the curriculum as a whole, but also for personal development.
√ Each lecture is now transformed into a core of development of critical thinking, engaging in interactive exercises, discussions and group study.
√ Each student, in co-operation both with the trainer and their fellow students, as well as personal Coach, sets personal goals at the level of knowledge and specific skills, as well as the methodology in order to succeed. Students regularly receive feedback and evaluate their performance, shaping their own development steps, turning their training into a purely experiential and enjoyable process.
√ On-line discussions, private chat with fellow students or personal coach, access to long-term goals - academic and personal - and intermediate steps to be completed, clear timetables and productivity level charts put students in a creative competitive game with their own self, are some of the pleasant parameters of the College's Personal Development Platforms. Platforms are user friendly, and can be used on the computer, tablet or mobile. It is the means by which students learn, participate, comment, present, discover, expand!

All this is based on the learning methodology of the world-famous Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick, a professor at the University of Wisconsin (USA). The aim of the methodology is to leave the theoretical lessons in a typical educational programmes, as this is the case for almost all educational organisations in Greece, and to enter a world of applied learning. Meeting the need of learners today for "How" and not to stay in "Why".

Each programme of ICPS is now designed based on this methodology and completely changes the training/learning experience, creating a world of learning and development that is available to our students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!

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