Quality Control

The quality of services and education at the College for Humanistic Sciences – ICPS is controlled and secured through processes of four levels in an effort to provide our students with a learning experience of international standards. 

Level 1

Quality Control Committee

Experienced scientists/academic colleagues at designing and delivering tertiary programmes are employed by the College; they have participated in the Quality Control Committee and supervise and evaluate programmes on a weekly basis according to the programmes of the collaborating foreign educational institutions. Supervision and control take place both as programmed and random visits to the training groups, via regular feedback from students (formal or informal) and programmed feedback from trainees/tutors of the programmes. Furthermore, during each academic year information/suggestions are collected for the best operation of other institutions in Greece and abroad. All the above are analysed and taken into consideration for the intervention planning of the institution management for both problem solving and re-planning of the programmes. 

Level 2

External Examiners

Except for the internal control and the control from collaborating Departments (e.g. UCLan Psychology School), every programme offered in collaboration with foreign educational institutions is supervised – concerning their academic quality – by independent External Examiners of other Universities. Their role is to supervise the academic environment, the students’ attendance, the development of academic staff and the programmes procedures in order to confirm that the College level of education is respective to same or comparable university programmes abroad. The results are presented on a yearly basis through an official report both to the College and the collaborating Universities. The report information is taken into consideration for both the re-planning of the programmes and procedures, and the reinforcement of better practice. The External Examiners of ICPS have been well-known academic and scientific colleagues from British Universities. 

Level 3

University Quality Assurance Departments

Each university in the United Kingdom has an independent team – department of control and quality assurance of services and education. These departments operate on the criteria set out by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) of the UK Ministry of Education, control the operation and procedures of each School regularly, as well as the collaborating College abroad (e.g. ICPS in Athens), analyse the reports for the programme operation and the students’ feedback on a yearly basis, prepare annual reports concerning the collaboration of the University Schools with other institutions, and have the right to intervene within those collaborations or even end them if conditions and quality criteria are not met. ICPS is controlled on a yearly basis by the Academic Quality and Standards Unit of the University of Central Lancashire and the Quality Enhancement Office of the University of Strathclyde.

Level 4

State Audit & Licensing Services

ICPS College is one of the first private institutions in Greece audited by the well-known UK quality control body, “Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)”. QAA controls both the UK Universities and the collaborating institutions abroad in order to ensure that the provided education, quality and level services are within the collaboration framework. Furthermore, QAA collaborates closely with the Quality Assurance Departments mentioned above so that to have continuous information concerning each collaboration. Finally, ICPS, as required by the Greek Law, has been audited and licensed by the National Accreditation Body and the Ministry of Education. 
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